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5-Gee That’s Great 🌐


5G has been the talk of the town for a while, flexing a speed 12x faster than current 4G levels, making this a monumental upgrade of our time.

Putting that into simpler terms, a movie that may have taken 30 minutes to download on 4G will now take no more than 3 minutes - a huge slap in the face to those kids back in school that ran a bootlegging gig of torrenting movies over the weekend!

In terms of subscriptions, although the USA and North East Asian markets have already seen massive growth, India is still in the latent stages, with barely 5% of the population subscribing to 5G services as of November 2022.

Nevertheless, this number is a mere stepping stone as 5G rolls out, with Jio and Airtel currently at the helm. What is the future of 5G for India?

  • 4G is yet to peak in India, with only 72% of subscribers being from that segment. Projections state that 4G will peak around the 930 million subscriber mark by 2024 (from the current 800 million levels), and decline as 5G starts to flourish

  • 2028 expects to see 1.3 billion of the Indian population being on the wireless network, with 53% on 5G and 44% on 4G

Although attractive, we have a long way to go, as only a mere 10% of all digital devices used in the country as of now are 5G compatible, thereby restricting the usage of a growing 5G coverage.

We should see a simultaneous but gradual growth in the telecom and smartphone industry of India as the urban population transitions to quicker download speeds!

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