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Investing That Fits You Perfectly.
Investing is personal. Your portfolios should be too.
Let our team of experts build portfolios that match your risk profile and your goals.
How Does This Work?
Expert Review
Let our advisors review your existing Mutual Fund portfolios
Cut Red Flags
Get to know the red flags and act on them immediately
Strengthen Portfolio
Rebuild your portfolio so it better fits you and your needs
Either execute by yourself, or let us manage that too
Continuous Support
Get continuous advice on what to buy and sell, when and how much

We work on a fixed fee. We don't get any commission from Mutual Funds and hence you can trust our advice to be in good faith and unbiased.

What's Included
Your Complete Mutual Fund Team, at Rs. 20,000 Advisory Fee Per Year
(Traditional distributors typically get ~1% of the AUM you invest from Mutual Funds, which is cut from your investments)
Clean Up
Personalised Portfolio
Active Management
Tactical Plays

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